
The Foundry Printers Row, The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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Tabata double under practice

2-3 rounds in 8 min

10 pvc pass throughs

10 American KB swings

10 KB push press (5 per side)

10 air squats

10 Band pull aparts (each way)

20-30s inverted hold

Shoulder to Overhead – Touch n’ Go (6×5)

2:15 clock

Build to a heavy 5 rep TOUCH n’ GO shoulder to overhead. There is no reset at the rack position. The bar comes down into the next rep.

Start no heavier than 115/75

Focus on QUALITY and POWER

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Teams of 3

12x (40s on, 20s rest/transition)

P1: max cal row

P2: max double unders

P3: max power snatches 75/55

RX+ is 115/75
Rotate through each movement 4 times (12 rounds).

Score = individual reps accumulated