
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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Skill Work

Find your max set of continuous unbroken kipping pull ups. (Kipping Chin over bar, chest to bar or butterflies (either style) Choose the one that needs to be improved. )

*continuous unbroken: the moment the kip fails or you loose the rhythm it means the set is over. Be truly honest with yourself and prioritize quality reps.


Every Minute on the Minute for 5 minutes

30% of max set of continuous unbroken kipping pull ups (ex. Max Set = 9, EMOM reps 3)

Still working on kipping pull ups?

Use this time to accumulate 20 strict pulls as challenging as possible.

and practice the kip during the EMOM.

15 minutes for this section (both max set and emom)

A: Max Kipping Pull Ups (1 X MAX)

MAX rep of unbroken kipping Pull Ups


B: Foul Ball (Time)

For Time CAP 30

3 Rounds:

800 Meter Run, 50/35 Calorie Assault Bike or 1000/800 Meter Row.

30 Wallballs (20/14)

30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)

Scaling: In this longer triplet, looking for athletes to choose a medicine ball and dumbbell weight that they are capable of holding on for 25+ repetitions unbroken when fresh. Within the workout today, athletes will find the right stimulus by completing each movement in 1-3 sets. If the weights were chosen correctly, rounds should take no more than 9-10 minutes each, making this a 30 minute workout at the maximum.

Athletic: 700 m run, 40 cals, 800 m row, 20 Wall balls and 20 alt snatch.

Health: 450 m run, 25 cals, 500 m row, 15 Wall balls and 16 snatch.

(80/55 Calorie AD6 Schwinn Bike)