
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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Hamstrings/Low Back

Skill Work

Review tire flip technique


A: “REGIONALS 10.5 (CANADA)” 2010 CROSSFIT GAMES REGIONALS WOD (Foundry variation) (Time)

In teams of 2-3

For time:

12 Tire Flips (Big Fucker/Sort of Big Fucker)

6 Clean and Jerks (135/95 lb)

350 meter Run

9 Tire Flips (Big Fucker/Sort of Big Fucker)

9 Clean and Jerks (135/95 lb)

450 meter Run

6 Tire Flips (Big Fucker/Sort of Big Fucker)

12 Clean and Jerks (135/95 lb)

700 meter Run

The athlete must jump in and out of the tire to the other side

after each flip.

-Tire flips can be divided as needed.

-Each member completes the number of C&J (one barbell, or two if an F/M combination)

-Run is completed together as a team
If athletes decide not to run due to the rain.

They each must complete:

450m,550 m, 800 m row


9,15,21 calories


Accumulate 3 minutes of weighted plank