The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Upper body (shoulders)
The goal is to find the most challenging pull up or dip. If you don’t have a body weight pull up/dip yet. Find the band or ring angle most challenging for you.
If you find it and there’s still time complete 1-3 sets x. 1-5 reps of both movements.
A: Weighted Pull-ups (1RM)
B: Weighted Dips (1RM)
C: (18.04.24) rowing/running MAP 3 invervals (5 Rounds for time)
For total accumulated time:
(5 scores total -each round + accumulated score)
In a 6 minute clock
1000 m row (rest the remaining time)
In a 6 minute clock
900 m run (rest remaining time)
In a 6 minute clock
1000 m row (rest the remaining time)
In a 6 minute clock
900 m run (rest remaining time)
(24 minutes total)
Athletic: 700 m run, Health: 800 m row/ 450 m run
Cash Out
3 wall walks
10/7 Assault bike cals