The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit
Context: Competition
Mobility: Coaches Choice
A: Weighted Ring Muscle Up (6x 1-5)
Use weight as a added challenge to strict muscle ups.
If strict muscle ups are not present but kipping are. Work on negative transitions and weighted pull ups/ring dips + kipping ones or transition.
If MU are not present, work on transitions + pull ups and dips progressions.
Complete 6 sets of 1-5 Weighted muscle ups or progressions.
15-20 minutes for this section.
B: (18.19.01) Hard work pays off (Calories)
Every 6 minutes:
2 minutes on/4 minutes off
– 40 FT Walking lunges (50#/35#/10-30#)
– 3 CTB* pull ups (health: ring rows or jumping CTB, athletic: pull ups)
-AMRAP Assault bike Calories
Second round
40 FT Walking lunges (same)
– 5 CTB* pull ups (health: ring rows or jumping CTB, athletic: pull ups)
-AMRAP Assault bike Calories
Third round
40 FT Walking lunges (same)
– 7 CTB* pull ups (health: ring rows or jumping CTB, athletic: pull ups)
-AMRAP Assault bike Calories
RX+: 5-7-9 CTB
(18 minutes total)
Cash Out
3 rounds:
30 double unders ( 60 singles)
20 sit ups
10 GHD Hip extensions