
If you’ve been reading the news, which I’m sure you have, I wouldn’t be surprised if you feel nervous or scared.  Uncertainty is a primary source of fear, and it’s hard to feel comfortable when it feels like the situation is changing day by day.

You already have plenty of outlets telling you what to be afraid of.  Instead of doing that, I want to share with you a few things you can do to create opportunity during this time of uncertainty.

Recency effect is a human cognitive bias we all share which causes us to weigh current or recent events more strongly than historical events.  I get it, when times are turbulent, it’s easy to project out the worst-case scenario.

But this is not the first flu pandemic and it won’t be the last.  The World is not ending – we will get through this just as we got through past flu outbreaks.

In the meantime, here are some things you can do to take advantage of this time.


If you’ve been saving during the strong economy over the past 10 years, now is a good time to step up your investing.  Although people felt scared at the time, investments made after the 1987 stock market crash, World Trade Center bombing, 9/11, or the 2008 housing crash are worth many times their original cost today.

As a simple strategy, increasing your 401k contribution during significant market corrections has paid off handsomely over the past 100 years.

Education / Skills

If you’ve considered switching jobs/careers, or there’s a new skill you want to learn, now is a good time to focus on that.  Most people are already working from home, and workloads are likely to be lighter until the virus is contained.

Rather than obsess over the news 24/7, why not invest your time into learning something new, updating your resume, or taking up a new hobby?  Online services such as the Khan Academy can help you learn almost any subject.

Health & Fitness

Your single best defense against COVID-19 (and any other disease) is to maintain a strong immune system.  Proactively maintaining your health will be more effective than any other precaution you can take.  Immunity is built and maintained through good nutrition, exercise, and sleep.

We’ve all made the excuse of being too busy to work out or eat healthily.  Let’s use this time as an opportunity to remember that our health forms a foundation for everything else we want to achieve or experience in life.  This is a good time to recommit to being the strongest, fittest, corona-resistantest version of yourself.

We’re here to help.  We didn’t become a leader in our industry by sitting back and observing others, but by being out front, innovating new approaches.

Next week we’ll be taking calls from members and non-members alike to help you figure out how to not just survive, but thrive during the coronavirus outbreak.  Whether you can attend the gym or would prefer to work out outside or in your home, we’ll come up with a strategy for you to succeed.

Set up a call with a coach here.

Live Awesomely,
