
Foundry members, bring your friends and come in a costume so we can all have a great time! This WoD is for all fitness levels!


Team of 2

P1- AMRAP KB USA Swings 53/35

P2- 200m Medball run 20/14

Switch roles

P1 +P2- 31 Burpees over Plank

P1- AMRAP Single Arm KB Push Press 53/35

P2- 200m Medball Run 20/14

Switch roles

P1 + P2- 31 Medball Ab Mat Sit ups

P1- AMRAP Medball Squats 20/14

P2- 200m Run

Switch roles

P1 +P2- 31 Dirty South Wall Balls 20/14


Score equals total reps of Swings + Push Press + Squats


Costumes will be provided to those who come unprepared 🙂