
The Foundry Union Station – CrossFit

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Coaches chioce


20 minutes to complete 2-3 rounds not for time

A1: Seated Shoulder External Rotation (2-3 x 8 @3010)


Use dumbbells or plates. Stay light and focus on quality movement.

A2: Supine Bar Rows (2-3 x 8 @1113)

A3: Drag barbell bicep curls (2-3 x 8 @4010)

A4: GHD Back Extensions (2-3 x 8)



B: PANIC BREATHING (Foundry Mod) (Time)

For Time (with a Partner) CAP 17

500-400-300-200-100 meter Row (x2)

Partner Kettlebell Rack Hold ((35#/26#/18)X2)

5 Burpee penalty for each drop of kettlebells

With a running clock rows will be performed alternating between teammates, as time trials for each distance: 500/500, 400/400, 300/300, 200/200, 100/100.

Every row is to be performed at maximum intensity while the other partner “rests” with two kettlebells in rack position. The “resting” partner will rack the bells at the beginning of their partner’s row and will unrack them at the end of the row.

Unracking of kettlebells before the end of the row results in a 5 synchronized burpee penalty for every offense, to be paid at the end of the workout.

RX+: 53#/35#

b: (MAP 10) 20 minutes Assault Bike (Active Recovery) (Calories)

20 minutes Assault Bike (Active Recovery)

(refer to aerobic capacity (flywheel bike) 20 minute max test if looking for score)