
Become a Member

Perform your best in all areas of your life.

Whether you have been exercising regularly or are just taking the first step toward improving your fitness, The Foundry is committed to helping you achieve your unique goals


Before becoming a member, it’s important to learn what we do, how we do it, and whether our process is a good fit for you. All prospective members start with a complimentary private coaching session.

During the session, we will find out where you are now with your nutrition and fitness, help you identify your goals, and map out a plan for how to achieve them. If you like what we have to offer, you’ll be invited to enter The Forge.

“The Forge”

In a metal foundry, a forge is a place where hot metal is pressed into shape and impurities are removed to prepare it for further refinement. At The Foundry, our approach to training is the same.

You will complete 8-15 private sessions with a professional coach to prepare you for group classes. Throughout your training, we will define proper nutritional habits, improve your conditioning, and teach you proper technique in the primary movements from gymnastics, powerlifting, Olympic lifting, mobility and more. Your coach will also work with you to address any specific weaknesses or limitations to unlock your true posture, flexibility, and athleticism.

Upon graduation from the program, you will be set up for success with our group classes and be well on your way toward achieving the best fitness of your life.  Your coach will continue to meet with you at least once every three months to assess your progress toward your goals and ensure your ongoing success.

To ensure results and maintain a healthy community, membership spaces are limited.

Set Up a Free Consultation

Please complete the form below – a coach will contact you to discuss your objectives and schedule a time to meet.




